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Anxiety and depression are distinct – albeit overlapping – psychiatric diseases, currently diagnosed by self-reported-symptoms. This research presents a new diagnostic tool, which rigorously tests for differences in cognitive biases among anxious and depressed individuals. A comprehensive behavioral test battery quantifies various cognitive biases. Advanced machine-learning tools, developed for this study, analyzed these results. These tools detect unique patterns that characterize anxiety versus depression to predict group membership. The analysis also discloses which specific behavioral measures contributed to the prediction, pointing to key cognitive mechanisms in anxiety versus depression. These results lay the ground for improved diagnostic instruments and more effective and focused individually-based treatment.

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The role of attention bias in the etiology and maintenance of anxiety disorders has been studied extensively over decades. Attention bias reflects maladaptation in cognitive processing, as perceived threatening stimuli receive prioritized processing even when they are task-irrelevant or factually unthreatening. Recently, there has been some interest in the role of a-priori expectancies in attention bias toward threat. The present series of studies examines the causal interaction between expectancy and attention biases, especially in spider phobia and in blood-injection phobia.

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Essential hypertension is the most important risk factor for cerebrovascular diseases, which are a major cause of death in industrialized societies. In several projects, we develop continuous measurement and analysis of blood pressure reactions to emotional stimuli among individuals at high risk of developing hypertension. We also examine whether deficient attentional mechanisms and neural abnormalities in prefrontal-limbic pathways are related to magnified blood pressure reactions to aversive stimuli. The use of cutting-edge measurement methods and advanced analysis is expected to provide new data necessary for understanding how the brain controls reactions to aversive information in health and disease.

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